Monday, December 31, 2018

Dale's Tales for January has been published

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to let you all know that the January edition of Dale's Tales has just been posted..

Go take a look..      >> Click Here <<

Dale Williams WA8EFK

Great Lakes Division

Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - New Year's Eve Edition

Happy New Year’s Eve Morning to YOU!!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – See who got the handbook for Christmas and if you haven’t gotten registered yet, get it done now, there’s still time!

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 29 pages chocked full of need to know information and some really fun things to do as well.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - Christmas Eve Edition

Happy Christmas Eve Morning to all!!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – Special Christmas Day Drawing..  If you haven’t gotten registered yet, get it done now!

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 28 pages chocked full of need to know information and some really fun things to do as well.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - December Edition

GOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning Monday Morning Readers!!!!!!

The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal – December Edition is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about Linux
  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan talks about our ARES program
  -->  From the Affiliated Clubs Coordinator – Tom talks about making your club better
  -->  From the Section Youth Coordinator – Anthony talks about making New Year’s Resolutions
  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section, and there’s a lot going on for sure  
  -->  DX This Week – Bill catches us up on the latest DX information
  -->  You Have Cards – Waiting – This is a brand new column from the DX Card sorters themselves. See who has cards waiting for them and don’t know it. It could be YOU!

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 38 pages of great reading that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ sit down, get comfortable and read this edition from cover to cover!!    

73, and stay warm my friends!

Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - December Edition

GOOOOOOOOOOOD Morning Monday Morning Readers!!!!!!

The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal – December Edition is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about Linux
  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan talks about our ARES program
  -->  From the Affiliated Clubs Coordinator – Tom talks about making your club better
  -->  From the Section Youth Coordinator – Anthony talks about making New Year’s Resolutions
  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section, and there’s a lot going on for sure  
  -->  DX This Week – Bill catches us up on the latest DX information
  -->  You Have Cards – Waiting – This is a brand new column from the DX Card sorters themselves. See who has cards waiting for them and don’t know it. It could be YOU!

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 38 pages of great reading that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ sit down, get comfortable and read this edition from cover to cover!!    

73, and stay warm my friends!

Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - December 10th Edition

Happy Freeeezing Monday Morning to all!!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – It’s back on..  Have you gotten registered yet?

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 26 pages chocked full of need to know information.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - December 3rd Edition

Happppy  Monday Morning to all!!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your
comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – See who received the Handbook Give Aways!

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 26 pages chocked full of need to know information.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - Cyber Monday Edition

Happy Cyber Monday to all that survived Thanksgiving!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – Have you seen the Red Arrow yet.. It’s back on – AND….  See who received the Handbook for the Thanksgiving drawing!

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 27 pages chocked full of need to know information.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - Thanksgiving Edition

Happppppppy Monday before Thanksgiving!!!!!!

The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal – Thanksgiving Edition is now on-line and ready for
you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about the different Digi Modes
  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan talks about ARES Connect and 6-Meter
  -->  From the Affiliated Clubs Coordinator – Tom talks about making your club successful
  -->  From the Section Youth Coordinator – Anthony talks about SWL in a Digital Age
  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section, and there’s a lot going on for sure  
  -->  DX This Week – Bill catches us up on the latest DX information

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 41 pages of great reading that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ sit down, get comfortable and read this edition from cover to cover!!    

73, and stay warm my friends!

Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The Veterans Day Edition

Happppppppppppppppy Veterans Day to all of the Vets out there. We salute you!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – Have you seen the Red Arrow yet.. It’s back on!

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 21 pages chocked full of need to know information.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The Pre-Election Edition

Happy Sunday / Monday to One and ALL..  Are you ready for all of those political ads to

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->   Handbook Give Away – Read who won this month, as well as what else was given out!

-->  Club Corner –  This is focused on your clubs around the Section!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 21 pages chocked full of need to know information.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The October 29th Edition

Happy Monday Morning to One and ALL..  We’ve all survived another weekend!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just keeps growing for sure!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 18 pages chocked full of need to know information.

Go take a look!!   


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The October 22nd Edition

Happy Freezing Monday to One and ALL..  We’ve all survived another weekend!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just keeps growing for sure!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 24 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - October Halloween Edition

CQ.. CQ.. All Amateur Radio Operators,

The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal – Halloween Edition is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about Digital Modes

  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan does a wrap-up of Black Swan 2018

  -->  From the Affiliated Clubs Coordinator – Tom talks about club officers and volunteering 
         in your club

  -->  From the Educational Outreach ASM – Anthony talks about the upcoming School Roundup 
         and JOTA Activities

  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section   

  -->  DX This Week

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 41 pages of great reading that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ sit down, get comfortable and read this edition from cover to cover!!    

73, and stay warm my friends!

Scott, N8SY..

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The Columbus Day Edition

Happppppppy Monday to One and ALL..  We’ve all survived the weekend and what a weekend it was. We got a new Supreme Court Justice, OSU and the Browns both won, but our Cleveland Indians are in deep trouble.. They are 0 – 2 in this series and since it’s the best of 5, they either win this next one or go home for the season..  Go TRIBE!!!!!!!!!  Oh, I do want to remind all of you that today is a legal holiday as well, It’s Columbus Day, so don’t try to do any banking today. They won’t be open. Neither will most of the government offices.

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just keeps growing for sure!

-->  DX This Week – For those DX hounds that want the latest info.. Bill has got it all

-->  Hamfests, VE Test Sessions and Special Events.. We have it all listed for you

There's so much more… This edition is 22 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The October 1st Edition

Wow.. Another week has come. It’s Monday once again!!!

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what’s happening around the country!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – See if you’re the winner of a Handbook?

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just keeps growing for sure!

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. You’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more… This edition is 22 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The September 24th Edition

Wow.. Who opened up the refrigerator door?  It went from 90 degrees to 50 degrees in no time flat! Welcome to good ol’ Ohio weather.

The latest edition of PostScript is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in your comfy chair and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about what we did in Mahoning County a few weeks back!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Have you gotten registered yet?

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just keeps growing for sure!

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. You’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more… This edition is 21 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, September 10, 2018

August Section Traffic Manager's Report is now posted

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to let you all know that the May Section Traffic Manager's report has been posted..

Go take a look                               >> Click Here <<

73, Scott, N8SY...

The Ohio Section News Update - The September 10th Edition

Wow.. Who opened up the door to the refrigerator? What a cold and wet weekend we had, but that’s in the past!!

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back, relax with a tasty drink and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about interference from OpenSpots and the like from being on the wrong frequencies!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

-->  Read the newest column…  “You’ve Got Cards”  I know that you’ll find that one interesting

There's so much more… This edition is 20 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, September 3, 2018

PostScript - Labor Day Edition is now out..

Wow.. It’s a once again a very hot and humid Monday, but who cares, it’s Labor Day!!

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in the air conditioning with a cool drink and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – Read all about the new CEO for the ARRL!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Read who all has won what! Yup, there were several Handbooks given out and more!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more… This edition is 19 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Friday, August 31, 2018

Dale's Tales for September has been posted

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to let you all know that the June edition of Dale's Tales has been posted..

Go take a look..      >> Click Here <<

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The August 27th Edition

Wow.. It’s a hot and humid Monday!!

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in the air conditioning with a cool drink and have some FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – This column is all about what’s been going on around us!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Hey Gang it’s on and you need to get registered for it now!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more… This edition is 27 pages chocked full of need to know information.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - August Editon

Hi Gang,
The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about your WiFi and what issues can happen
  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan talks about our most recent ARES activation
  -->  From the Affiliated Clubs Coordinator – Tom talks about how to serve your members better
  -->  From the Educational Outreach ASM – Anthony talks about Ham Radio, the original Maker  
  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section    
  -->  New Ohio Driver’s License – Did you know that Ohio has a new Driver’s License, read more
         about it
  -->  Covered Bridges on the Air – Ohio had it’s first Covered Bridges on the Air weekend

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 30 pages of information that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ read this edition!!    

73, and stay cool my friends!

Scott, N8SY..

Monday, August 13, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The August 13th Edition

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – This column is all about what’s been going on around us!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Have you registered for the Handbook yet? It’s time to get registered again!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. Lot’s of new club news in this edition

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The August 6th Edition

Wow.. It’s a hot and humid Monday!!

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read! So, sit back in the air conditioning with a cool drink and have FUN reading!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – This column is all about what’s been going on around us!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Find out who the winners were.. Yes winners!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, July 30, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The July 30th Edition

What a FANTASTIC Monday To All!!

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – This column is all about what’s been going on around us!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Have you registered for the Handbook yet? Time is running out for this month!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - July Edition

Hi Gang,

The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about Malware and how it affects you
  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan talks about balancing your responsibilities
  -->  From the Affiliated Clubs Coordinator – Tom talks about the need for NIMS training
  -->  From the Educational Outreach ASM – Anthony talks about ideas for getting folk interested in ham radio
  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 30 pages of information that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ read this edition!!    

73, and stay cool my friends!

Scott, N8SY..

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The July 16th Edition

Happpppppy Monday Morning To All!!
The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   National News – This column is all about what’s been going on around us!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Have you registered for the Handbook yet!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Section Emergency Coordinator's June Report is now posted

Hi Gang,
I just wanted to let you all know that I just published the May Section Emergency Coordinator's report..

Go take a look..              >>  Click Here <<


Scott, N8SY..

Section Traffic Manager's June Report is now posted

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to let you all know that the May Section Traffic Manager's report has been posted..

Go take a look                               >> Click Here <<

73, Scott, N8SY...

Monday, July 9, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The July 9th Edition

GOOOOOOD Monday Morning To All!!

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   ARES Connect and the Ohio Section – You need to sign-up now!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – See who won the July 4th Handbook!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

-->  Ohio DMR Weekly Net Report – How’s your District stack up with all of the rest this past week

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, July 2, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The July 4th Edition

Happy Monday Morning All!!
The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   ARES Connect and the Ohio Section – You now need to sign up!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – See who won the June Handbook and I’ve added something extra just for July 4th!

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

-->  Ohio DMR Weekly Net Report – How’s your District stack up with all of the rest this past week

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Sunday, July 1, 2018

July - Dale's Tales has just been posted!

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to let you all know that the June edition of Dale's Tales has been posted..

Go take a look..      >> Click Here <<

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Ohio Section News Update - The Post Field Day Edition

Happy Monday Morning Gang,

The latest Ohio Section News Update is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

-->   Lots of NEWS from the ARRL – News about ARES Connect!

-->  The Handbook Give Away – Have you registered yet? You gott’a read this.. I’ve added something extra

-->  Club Corner –  Wow.. This section just gets bigger and bigger with news from clubs all over the state

-->  Fun Things To Do, Classes & Hamfests Too – This is an all-encompassing column.. If you’re an Amateur, you’ll definitely have to check this out

-->  Ohio DMR Weekly Net Report – How’s your District stack up with all of the rest this past week

There's so much more, but I can list them all here..  This edition is packed full of great information that every ham operator wants to know.


Scott, N8SY..

Monday, June 18, 2018

The Ohio Section Journal - Field Day Edition

Hi Gang,

The Latest Edition of the Ohio Section Journal is now on-line and ready for you to read!

Here’s just a teaser of some of the great information that you’ll find in this edition..

  -->  From the Technical Coordinator –  Jeff talks about Wires-X
  -->  From the Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan talks about the recent AUXCom Class
  -->  From the Section Traffic Manager – David talks about Field Day
  -->  Club Corner – This is your column – See what’s happening around the Section

There’s so much more, in fact there’s 34 pages of information that you just can’t find anywhere else…   You just gotta’ read this edition!!    

73, and stay cool my friends!

Scott, N8SY..