Friday, January 13, 2017

The Ohio Section News Update – Friday the 13th Edition


- Skywarn
- Ohio ARES VHF Simplex Contest
- Notable Special Event
- Upcoming Hamfests
- Getting this Newsletter
- Got Questions
- Final – Friday the 13th



Hey Gang, wow did I ever make a faux pas..!! In my message the other day I forgot to include Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne in the listing.

So, let’s try this again.. It’s now time to start thinking of either renewing or obtaining your Skywarn training for 2017. Do you know where the training is being made available?

Here’s the links to all 4 weather offices that cover Ohio. Depending on where you live will depend on which weather office you’ll want to look at. It’s your choice as to which area you want to go to, but just be sure to get that training in!

You can also find these links on the Ohio Section ARES webpage under Skywarn too 


NIMS / ICS Training

Hey Gang, our numbers are growing, we now have 557 ARES Members with various certs turned in. We can also brag on the fact that we have 352 that have completed all 4 of the needed classes and 3,590 total classes registered in the statewide database. Here’s a link to the database 

I’m pushing hard on all of you to not only get this training, but to get those so valuable certificates turned in to me so that we can get you added to the database as well. Yes, we have a lot of folks in there, but we know that we don’t have yours. How do we know that? Everyone that has the 4 basic courses (IS 100, 200, 700 & 800) and has shared those certificates with us are now listed on the Ohio Section NIMS Roster.

If you don’t see your name on the list we don’t have all 4 of your needed certificates, and we definitely need and want them! This list shows those who have all 4 certificates turned in. If you don’t see your name on the list, send them to me   Now even if you haven’t gotten all 4 of these courses in, we still need you to get what you do have turned in to us so that we can get you started on your way.

The Ohio Section has taken a lead in the country with this and really dug its heals in and has done a great job of completing this training. Let’s keep it going for 2017!!   


Ohio ARES VHF Simplex Contest

Hey Gang..  Mark your calendars for the following dates.

The Second Annual Ohio ARES VHF Simplex Contest! January 14 – this is TOMORROW!!



Inauguration Special Event Set: Radio amateurs in the Washington, DC, area, will operate special event station W3T January 19-21 to mark the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, Mike Lonneke, W4AAW, of Round Hill, Virginia, has announced. A group of more than 20 operators will staff the operation, and a commemorative QSL card will be available.

Jim Nitzberg, WX3B -- who participated in the 2009 inaugural commemorative station -- recalled the special event was swamped by callers. Lonneke and Nitzberg are making their own stations available for the operation, and teams of seasoned contesters will be taking the helm for the W3T event. Richard Maylott, W2YE, will oversee the distribution of the anticipated thousands of commemorative QSL card requests.

QSL direct with a self-addressed, stamped envelope ($2 for non-US requests) to 20732 Furr Rd., Round Hill, VA 20141-1803 or via the W3 QSL Bureau


Upcoming Hamfests in Ohio..

01/15/2017 | Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation Hamfest
Location: Nelsonville, OH
Sponsor: Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation

01/29/2017 | TUSCO Amateur Radio Club Hamfest
Location: Strasburg, OH
Sponsor: Tusco Amateur Radio Club


Are you getting those emails from me? If not, all you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them.

Heck, just send me an email: and let me know that you want to be added. It’s really just that easy. We have over 2,500 persons on our Ohio Section Mailing List now and growing.

Are you passing this newsletter on to others? Please, if you know of anyone that would be interested in this information, feel free to pass it on to them. You don’t have to be an ARRL member or even a ham to receive these emails.

You can always  “Opt-Out”  at any time if you feel this is not what you were expecting.


Got questions, concerns or would just like to sit and chat awhile?

Give me a call at (419) 512-4445 or email me at:   

Want to sit and just chat awhile? I’m available, Heck, I’ll even buy!!



Friday the 13th, considered by many as one of the unluckiest days of the year. If you are worried about what's in store today, then you're not alone. Psychologists have even come up with a word for how you're feeling – paraskavedekatriaphobia, or fear of Friday the 13th.

One option is to stay tucked up in bed all day to avoid any potential Friday the 13th bad luck that may come your way, or alternatively, you could ignore the superstitious chatter and embrace it.

In 2017, there just happens to be two Friday the 13ths – January 13 and October 13.  Now with all of this said, I just wanted to have a little FUN with you today and let you all know that it’s just a number, and whether you believe it is unlucky or just another day is totally all up to YOU..!! 


Scott, N8SY..
