Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Ohio Section News Update – February 08, 2017 Edition


- Teachers Institute
- NEW 1 Question Survey
- DMR Net
- Getting this Newsletter
- Special Events
- Final

ARRL Announces 2017 Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
(from ARRL Bulletins)

ARRL has announced its 2017 Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology schedule. This summer’s sessions will be held in Dayton, Ohio — hosted by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) — and at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut. (DARA also helps to sustain the program as a generous contributor.”) The deadline to apply is May 1. Past participants who have completed the introductory (TI-1) course may want to consider signing up for the advanced (TI-2) session on Remote Sensing and Data Gathering. These expenses-paid, intensive professional development opportunities offer educators training and resources to explore wireless technology in the classroom using Amateur Radio.

Topics covered in the TI-1 Introduction to Wireless Technology include basic electronics, radio science, microcontroller programming, and basic robotics. Among other activities, participants will learn how to solder and practice by building a digital clock. They’ll also learn basic circuit concepts and learn how to use basic test equipment.

Educators in the TI-1 class will also learn about Amateur Radio, take part in a hidden transmitter hunt, and see demonstrations of Amateur Radio satellite communication. Students will build and program their own simple robots. An Amateur Radio license is not required to take the TI-1 class.

Applicants to the advanced Teachers Institute (TI-2) on Remote Sensing and Data Gathering must hold an Amateur Radio license and have competed TI-1. The class will concentrate on analog-to-digital conversion and data sampling, and participants will receive telemetry from Amateur Radio satellites and apply it to math and science topics. TI-2 participants will also construct a marine research buoy equipped with environmental sensors, build a microcontroller to sample the data, configure it for Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) transmission, and receive and upload data to a spreadsheet for analysis.

Introductory (TI-1) ARRL Teachers Institute sessions will take place July 17-21 in Dayton, Ohio, and July 24-28 at ARRL Headquarters in Connecticut. One advanced (TI-2) ARRL Teachers Institute class will be held July 10-13 at ARRL Headquarters.

Check out this video for an inside look at the Teachers Institute! More information is available on the ARRL website. An article about the Teachers Institute will appear in the March issue of ARRL’s monthly membership journal QSTRegister to receive news about ARRL Education & Technology Program activities and notifications about the summer 2017 Teachers Institutes.

Contributions from individuals and from corporate and institutional supporters make the annual ARRL Teachers Institutes possible. 


NIMS / ICS Training

Hey Gang, get those oh – so important ICS certificates in to me and to your Emergency Coordinator!!

Every Ohio ARES member needs to have at least these 4 basic courses completed. Why are these courses so important? The simple answer is this - we need these courses as part of our requirement for our state credentialing system. As you know, the State of Ohio has a credentialing system that we are a big part of, and to obtain your credential when the time is needed, means that you need to have these courses completed and turned in to the database. So, without these courses being completed, you won’t be able to get credentialed!


1 Question Survey

Have you checked out the – one question – questionnaire on the Ohio Section Website yet! This question is just something that would be interesting and fun to know.. It will only take about 2 seconds for you to answer it, and you can see how your answer stacks up with others instantly. If you haven’t done it yet, please do..

Do you have a question that you’d like to see posted? This latest question actually comes from Robert, WD8NVN.

How’s about it, got a question that YOU would like to see asked? Send it to me,


Weekly DMR Net

Hey gang, don’t forget to check-in on the weekly Wednesday night DMR net tonight, there are averaging around 50 check-ins each week, and it’s really growing in popularity for sure. Come join in on the fun, Wednesday nights at 8:30p local on the 3139 Ohio statewide Talkgroup.

The North American Tech Net is also on Wednesday night at 9pm EST on Talkgroup 3, as well as  The After HamNation Net, following the HamNation program on Talkgroup 311 as well.. Lot’s of good nets to check in to on Wednesday’s for sure..

Want to know more about DMR? Here’s a link.


Are you getting those emails from me? If not, all you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them.

Heck, just send me an email: and let me know that you want to be added. It’s really just that easy.

Are you passing this newsletter on to others? Please, if you know of anyone that would be interested in this information, feel free to pass it on to them. You don’t have to be an ARRL member or even a ham to receive these emails.

You can always  “Opt-Out”  at any time if you feel this is not what you were expecting.


Special Events

02/11/2017 | The Portage County Amateur Radio Service's Twelfth Annual "Freeze Your Acorns Off" (FYAO) Special QRP Event.

The event will start promptly at 10 AM and go until 4 PM EST. They will be active on CW, Digital & Phone in the 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meter bands (Repeater & Echolink on the K8SRR echo link node for a certificate) and anything else that they can get working.

Yes, they'll be braving the cold snowy weather of North Eastern Ohio to set up QRP stations using portable power and antennas.


02/18/2017 | WRARC 7th Anniversary
Feb 18, 1500Z-2300Z, W8WRC, New Springfield, OH. Western Reserve Amateur Radio Club. 21.300 14.305 7.200. QSL. Western Reserve Amateur Radio Club, 2050 East South Range Road, New Springfield, OH 44443.


Finally..  ?

On This Day..  In 1910 The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated.

Hey Gang, today is Hump Day.. you know, Wednesday, the middle of the week.. By the time that you read this you’ll be over the HUMP and on the way to a great weekend! 

Remember, life is short, go have FUN..!!


Scott, N8SY..
