Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Ohio Section News Update – May 10th


- Handbook Give Away
- NVIS Day Results
- Getting this Newsletter
- Field Day
- SEC Reports
- STM Reports
- Amazon Smiles
- Nets
- My Final    


NIMS / ICS Training

The numbers are continuing to grow!  Here’s the count to date.. Members in database:  736; Active Members:  722; Members NIMS complete:  521 and for the most important piece of data that you need to know.. Total Courses Taken:  4,866 - WOW..  We have a lot to be proud of and a lot more work to do. Every ARES member has to have these courses to be a part of the Ohio ARES.

By the end of this week I hope to be announcing that we are now a GO on the Ohio Responds database. How does this affect you? It will provide you with a Limited Liability Protection under the Ohio Revised Code. This is something that is a really big plus for all volunteers working in this field. Stan and I are scheduled to go in on Thursday and meet with the chief administrator of Ohio Responds and get our final training, you know, train the trainer. If everything goes good, and no further tweaking is needed, we’re off to the races for sure!  Oh, by the way, I’m told that the folks from Ohio Responds will be at the Dayton Hamvention!!  So, for those of you who wish to get more information about the program, and how it will apply to you directly, who better to ask?

Ok, now that I’ve brought the subject up..  You WILL need to be registered with your 4 completed NIMS courses in our statewide database BEFORE you attempt to register on the Ohio Responds website. So, for those of you who have been dragging your feet on getting your courses completed, I hope this will be the incentive for you to get started.

How do I know if I’m on the list or not? Here’s the link to the list.  Don’t see your name on the list, and you’ve submitted your certificates? Contact me immediately!

For those of you just starting out now that you have a real incentive, we have a webpage with all the information about how to get started.. This page contains a lot of information about what is needed. Each course takes about an hour or so to take, that’s really not much to ask now is it? You spent way more than that to get your Amateur Radio operators license!

Now here’s a link that Ed, KE8ANU found that breaks it all down for you as to what the classes are:

And here’s an additional link to the FEMA First Responder Catalog  Thanks Michael, N8QHV

I want to announce that our database guru Jim, W8ERW will be at the Ohio Section Booth at Hamvention with his computer. He’ll be able to look up you NIMS records right from there. Also, if you want to load up a disk or flash drive with your certificates on it, Jim will be able to upload that into the system right from there. You’ll need to scan your certificates either as a picture or as a .pdf and put them on a flash drive or disk. Jim will not be able to do any scanning from there, so please have that done before you get to the Hamvention.

Handbook Give Away

We love to celebrate special occasions, and with the Dayton Hamvention coming up in a few short weeks, I am planning a very special drawing just for Dayton this year!! Now, to get entered in this drawing you WILL have to attend the Dayton Hamvention. That’s right, all you need to do is stop by the Ohio Section Booth in building 2 and get signed up!!

This drawing will be for a lot more than a Handbook. I will have a bunch of other goodies to give away too! I even have some ARRL Gift Certificates as well!

NVIS Day Results

I know that a lot of you have been wondering what the results were from our April Ohio Section NVIS Day. Well, wait no more. We have the results posted on the website!!

Want more information about NVIS?  Here’s a link for you..

Take advantage of all of the information that’s posted on the Ohio Section website for sure. There’s tons of information posted, and it has a very wide range of topics. There’s something for everyone there!


Are you getting those emails from me? If not, all you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them.

Heck, just send me an email: and let me know that you want to be added. It’s really just that easy. Please, if you know of anyone that would be interested in this information, feel free to pass it on to them. You don’t have to be an ARRL member or even a ham to receive these emails.

You are always free to “Opt-Out”  at any time if you feel this is not what you were expecting. Just send me an email with the email address that you used to opt-in on, and you will be removed. It’s that simple.

Also.. are you viewing the Ohio Section Website on a regular basis? You should, it changes all the time. Here’s a link to it.


Field Day

Hey Gang,
I know that a lot of you are already deep into planning your Field Day activities as well as getting everything ready for that big weekend, well I have some additional goodies for you.. I have the Ohio Governor’s Proclamation posted on the website.. Thanks to our State Government Liaison, Bob Winston, W2THU we have it and it’s posted on the website.

There’s also a suggested Press Release there as well as a lot of other information about Field Day too.  Go take a look:

Now.. How do you find those Field Day Sites?  Easy, with the Field Day Locator. Clubs, make sure that you get your Field Day site location registered with the League, this way folks will be able to find you quickly and easily.  Here’s a link for the locator..

Oh, and don’t forget to have someone assigned as a photographer! You’ll want pictures and so do I.. Please, let’s have as many pictures of our Field Day sites as possible. Remember, I use a lot of these pictures for the Ohio Section Banner that’s displayed everywhere! So, get the dusty old Brownie Box Camera out of the closet and get it all tuned up and ready to take a mountain of pictures of your site and all the people at it having FUN!!


SEC Reports

Hey Gang,

Want to know what our ARES program is up to? Want to see the reports? They are posted on the website every month for you to view. Go take a look..

This part of the website contains many years’ worth of SEC reports, so if you want to go back and view something from 2 years ago, you can. You can also see the Official Emergency Station reports within those SEC reports.

I think you’ll be amazed at just how many thousands of hours every month our volunteers give back. I always am, that’s for sure.


STM Reports
Hey Gang,

Want to know what our Ohio Traffic Program is up to? Want to see the reports? They are posted on the website every month for you to view. Go take a look..

This part of the website contains many years’ worth of Section Traffic Manager reports, so if you want to go back and view something from 2 years ago, you can. The Ohio Section is part of the National Traffic System and we’re very proud of all the work that our volunteers do and have done over many years.  

I think you’ll be amazed at just how much time is given by our traffic handlers every month, I know I am.


Amazon Smiles

Hey Gang..  Did you know that as of February 2017 Amazon has donated to the ARRL $13,731.24. Wow.. I’m an Amazon Prime member, but I had no idea that Amazon was donating this much back to my favorite
 > SMILES<  charity!! 

Did you know that you could support ARRL just simply by Shopping at AmazonSmile?

If you already shop on Amazon, or if you’re looking for the perfect gift for a family member or friend, we invite you to shop at and choose American Radio Relay League Inc. (ARRL) as your charity of choice. With every purchase you make at AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a contribution to ARRL which allows us to extend our reach in areas of public service, advocacy, education and membership. We hope you will take the opportunity to support ARRL and Amateur Radio with your eligible purchases on today!

AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you already know, with the same products, prices and service. Visit and login to your Amazon account (if you’re new to Amazon, you’ll need to create one).

Thanks Don, NN8B for this great information!  Now, here’s the link to get your started! 



Hey gang, don’t forget to check-in on the weekly Wednesday night DMR net tonight, there are averaging around 60 check-ins each week, and it’s really growing in popularity for sure. Come join in on the fun, Wednesday nights at 8:30p local on the 3139 Ohio statewide Talkgroup.

There’s also the North American Tech Net that meets Wednesday 9pm EST TG: 3 and of course there’s the  After HamNation Net  following the HamNation program on Wednesday’s on TG: 311

Want to know more about DMR? Here’s a link.

Here’s another DMR net that you may not have known about. I got this information from Dave, KD8BQN. Dave runs the TAC310 net every Sunday on DMR at 0000Z. So be looking to check into that net as well, if you can.

(from Steve, W8TER)

Wednesdays at 9:00 pm

1st Wednesday of the month is on 50.400 AM mode.
2nd Wednesday of the month is on 52.525 FM mode.
3rd Wednesday of the month is on 50.125 USB mode.
4th Wednesday of the month is on 52.525 FM mode.
5th Wednesday of the month is on 52.525 FM mode.

PLEASE JOIN US…on the air

There is also a 6-meter net on Thursday at 9pm on 50.255 USB

I also got notified of a Sunday night net on 6-meters, from Fred, KD8GYS in Sterling, Ohio.

The Net is on every Sunday Evening at 19:00 Hrs. on 53.170 with a input of 52.170 and Pl’s of 107.2 Akron, 110.9 Loudonville, 123.0 Stone Creek and 136.5 Richfield as well as Echo link, All Star and 440 W8WKY Doylestown, Oh.

It’s also linked with N2KEJ in New Jersey. As of now we cover 27 counties in Ohio, 3 counties in Pa. My goal when I was asked to run the net, was to get 50 check ins 4 years ago.

We have a Trivia question each week as well, to keep the mind sharpened (lol).

The repeater also has the NWS weather alert system connected to advise all listeners of Alerts from Ashland, Wayne, Holmes, Medina, Stark and Summit counties.

Keep 6 Meters going strong check in join the net when possible.

Here is another net that you may want to add to your list of nets. It’s the South Eastern Ohio Ragchew Net 28.485 MHz, 2100 every Sunday -  we thank Lyn, N8IMW for that information…


My Final..    

Today is Monday, May 10th ! It’s National Shrimp Day. Wow.. Do I love shrimp cocktail! It’s also an important date because in 1869 a Golden Spike was driven into the tracks which completed the Transcontinental Railroad. This was done at Promontory Point Utah.

Amateur Radio has its serious side, but it can also have a FUN side too. I hope that this News Update has been informative and fun for you to read.

So, as we go through our training and exercises, learning from the past and from those who are willing to take the time to teach us, let’s remember to have FUN too.. It’s what keeps us alive and vibrant..!!


Scott, N8SY..
