Hello everyone! Are you ready?? This Saturday, January 9, is the Ohio ARES VHF Simplex Contest!
The contest starts at 10AM and runs to 4PM- it’s designed
as a fun activity to test your “reach” for a time when you may need to contact
simplex stations in a power-down emergency.
Operating is laid-back and fun!
Rules and schedules are posted on ohsimplex.org, where
Jason has the rules, score submission, and tips all set up!
To answer a couple questions:
We’re not looking for digital-voice simplex as a separate
First, there isn’t that much DMR/Fusion/D-Star simplex
and it probably wouldn’t be your go-to mode in a disaster. Second, it’s FM… so
if you do happen to try a digital mode simplex, count the contacts as FM.
The county total is just that- how many counties did your
station contact? It is NOT on a per-band
basis, it’s the total count including all your stations/modes operated. Again, we’re motivated to determine your
overall simplex footprint.
EOC is defined the same way as the Field Day rules. If you’re operating from an emergency mobile
vehicle (Command bus, trailer) that’s used in conjunction with an EMA/EOC
operation, you can claim that to be an EOC especially this year with most EOC
entry limited or nonexistent.
You do not have to be a member of ARES to participate,
all hams are welcome! In a disaster, we
will probably need all hands on deck, so it’s great practice for everyone.
It appears we will not be able to operate “The Sarge”,
W8SGT, from the Ohio EOC this year. Sorry!
The complete rules are on ohsimplex.org. Take a look, and register your operation/county so we can all listen for you!
I hope to hear you- and I hope you have a great time
-Stan, N8BHL